Bed Bug Control
It seems you can’t read the news today without seeing a story about bed bugs. Whether they’re being discovered in ritzy resorts, or an outbreak is spreading through a certain community, the bed bug epidemic is certainly a growing problem. In fact, home and business owners throughout Alabama, Mississippi and the Carolinas are all at risk for bed bugs. The ban on DDT after World War II and the increasing frequency of international travel means that bed bugs can be found anywhere, including beds, airplanes, movie theaters and other nooks and crannies.
Disgusting? You bet. Bed bug extermination has become extremely important because bed bug bites can cause itchy red welts, not to mention mental trauma, on affected humans.
Sleep Tight with Bed Bug Control from Stark Exterminators
Unsure if you have bed bugs? A Stark Exterminators Service Professional will conduct a thorough bed bug inspection of your home and business for a flat fee of $250. If an infestation is found, Stark will build a customized and comprehensive plan to implement bed bug extermination throughout infected areas, with $200 of your inspection fee being applied to the total cost of the bed bug eradication treatment.
- The Health Risks Associated With Bed Bugs
Unless a person has an allergic reaction to a bed bug bite, the physical health effects consist of "itchy and "annoying" unsightly red welts. These can be treated with an oral antibiotic or hydrocortisone cream. While there is no evidence that bed bugs spread any diseases, there can be lasting emotional and psychological effects from an infestation.
- Anyone Can Get Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are prolific little pests. An adult female can lay up to 5 eggs a day, which, under the right circumstances, can cause a small infestation to become a large problem very quickly. Bed bugs will hitch a ride in luggage, backpacks, on clothing or in shoes to travel from place to place. They are impartial snackers, feeding on any warm body regardless of status or cleanliness. Even the most expensive hotels are reporting bed bug problems these days.
Bed Bug Inspection
Red, itchy welts on your skin (a red dot with a lighter red ring around it) are the most obvious sign that you have been bitten by a bed bug.
Look for small reddish brown dots (droppings and blood spots) on bed linens.
You may find eggs or molted skin on bed linens or the mattress.
Bed bugs themselves are often hard to spot, since they typically come out at night. Look for a small reddish brown oval-shaped bug about the size of an apple seed.
In severe cases with heavy infestation, a sweet smelling "buggy" odor may be noticeable.
Bed Bug Prevention
- Check the seams and backs of airline seats and movie theater seats before sitting. Keep purses and backpacks off the floor and Store your carry-on bags in the overhead compartment whenever possible.
- When traveling, thoroughly inspect your hotel room BEFORE unpacking. Look on the sheets, around the mattress and behind the headboard and box spring for signs of bed bugs.
- Place luggage on dressers to avoid taking any stow-awayshome with you.
- Keep suitcases, brief cases or computers closed when not in use.
- When you arrive home, check your luggage and belongings again to make sure you did not take any bed bugs home with you. Wash all clothing in hot water. You can even vacuum out luggage as an extra precaution.
- Report any signs of bed bugs immediately. With the help of informed citizens and trained pest professionals,we can hopefully make these breakouts, once again, a thing of the past!