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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tips For A Pest Free Tailgate

Stark Exterminators Provides Tips to Keep Pests from Ruining Tailgate Parties This Football Season (we can’t do anything about opposing fans)

Football season is just around the corner and that means weekend activities include tailgating with family and friends.  While many are on the lookout for opposing fans wanting to crash the party, other pests aren’t usually top of mind.  Delicious grilled food, scrumptious snacks and tasty desserts combined with the warm weather that is still lingering attracts pests like wasps, mosquitoes, flies and ants.

Stark Exterminators, a local pest and termite control company, has put together the following tips for a pest-free tailgating experience: 

  • Wasps and yellow jackets continue to be active pests this time of year. Both are attracted to sweets, so to keep these stinging insects away, serve any sugary drinks in covered pitchers and keep desserts in sealed, air-tight containers.
  • Mosquito season continues through October, so it’s important to be prepared to protect against these insects. To prevent mosquitoes from biting, be sure to apply insect repellent containing DEET to exposed skin before heading outdoors. 
  • House flies feed mostly on liquids and will travel up to 20 miles to get food. To prevent these unwanted guests from crashing your tailgate, be sure to keep food covered and pack well-sealed garbage cans along with your tent and grill.  Be sure to dispose of trash regularly throughout the day.
  • There are more than 700 different species of ants in the United States that could ruin your tailgate. However, fire ants, odorous house ants and argentine ants are the most common types found this time of year. To prevent ants from enjoying your pre-game goodies, keep food sealed in airtight containers and keep covered at all times. 


“With all the excitement of football season, many fans do not realize that insects can quickly put a damper on their tailgate fun,” said Shay Runion, Stark Pest Expert. “Stinging insects send over half a million people to the emergency room each year and mosquitoes can transmit diseases like West Nile Virus and Encephalitis, continued Runion, “However, by taking the necessary prevention steps, people of all ages can enjoy themselves while at the same time keeping away any unwanted pests.”

Stark protects fans and homes from infestations with the STEPS® Total Protection System, an industry-leading approach that utilizes Integrated Pest Management. STEPS includes a full home and property evaluation to pinpoint pest control issues; identification of not only the pest, but the true cause of the problem; and treatment in the most environmentally responsible way to alleviate current issues and to help prevent future recurrences.